Sports Club and Play Resort [and Cottage Group Center] 1947 by Frank Lloyd Wright in Runyon Canyon Park
» [… Huntington Hartford]
planned a members-only resort for two thousand people. Committing $ 500.000 to the idea, Hartford commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright […]
Local residents, especially those along Mulholland, objected to the plan and any zoning change to accommodate it. In August 1947, nearly six hundred residents held a meeting to let Hartford and Wright know that they considered the development a 'monstrosity' and a traffic nuisance. The battle lasted two years until Wright pulled out. « II.) 1
Apparently reflecting the opponents perception of the project; which in both schemes includes the Play Resort ["recreation unit" Img. _01] as an independent feature … III.) 2
» If totally occupied, the Cottage Group Center [in scheme 1] would provide accommodations for approximately 130 guests, [for only 78 guests in scheme 2 … which] prompts the suggestion that the opus was intended for a type of private club, rather than the usual resort hotel facility. « III.) 3
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